At the center of any successful financial advisory is an extremely dedicated and efficient research and analysis team. Here at Bernet international we are honored to have one of the most experienced research teams in Asia to assist us. Our team who are located in strategic positions around the globe enable our advisors to provide our clients with the most up to date information available. Our research team is comprised of financial economists, market researchers, ex portfolio managers, and other financial professionals. The main aim of our research team is to give our financial advisors the information they need when they need it, in turn this enables our clients’ portfolios to see the highest potential they can. Since 2013 we have aimed to broaden the reach of our research team by combining our expert knowledge with other branches in the financial industry, this has enabled us to bring more opportunities to our clients.
Bernet international’s research team provides in depth insights into companies and industries we deem to be undervalued in today’s financial markets. We have gained a solid reputation throughout the Asian financial sector as pioneers in the financial research field.Our team’s dedication to bringing our clients the right information at the right time is what makes us stand out from the rest. With the diverse range of industries that our researchers look into, we are able to give our clients the same range of opportunities. When it comes to how we identify and research what Bernet international defines as a undervalued opportunity we leave no stone unturned. We make sure to look in depth at every detail and then pass this information on to our analysts who will strategically decide on what approach we should take with our clients.